Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Walk This Path Alone…

I come to the realization that you can never have what you always want…the things in life you care for most, leaving you alone by your side, but never forgetting the times that you have spent together, the mark you’ve made, the imprint you have forever left among each others hearts. I walk this path alone…this path so frightening, so dark and yet so full of life..thinking I can’t do this on my own, how could I possibly? But then I think of what lies ahead, what could be, yet in times of need who will I have where will I go? I walk this path alone…but I see a light…in the distance a sparkle of hope…running to get get closer to the end to see what it holds for me but still an emptiness lies on my heart…the burden of despair clings its gripping fingers on my chest bringing me down..further away from the light…I hold on to what I have..i try and break free of this…then I remember..friends, family, people you meet, there’s more happiness in my life than I thought..i break free of the chains the binded my heart..i’ve reached the end of my journey alone, only to begin what I have left off…